Crossing Back to Health’s Virtual Clinic

We are happy to provide office appointments that you can do from the comfort of your home. Once scheduled you will complete your Health Profile that will be reviewed for your individualized virtual appointment.

Virtual Visits with Zoom and Zyto

What is Zyto?

In the context of ZYTO Technology, biocommunication consists of an exchange of information between a computer and the body through galvanic skin response (GSR). The ZYTO Hand Cradle measures GSR and the software ranks the changes in energetic coherence and generates reports.

With ZYTO, you can scan for hundreds of stressor and balancer digital signatures in just a few minutes. The ability to collect more data in a shorter amount of time can assist in a more effective plan for your Optimal Health.

To take advantage of the Zyto at home, a Zyto Hand Cradle would need to be purchased. Zyto Hand Cradle can be ordered at  Price $285.00  

This device can be used for the whole family!

Zoom Consultations are available without Zyto.

Call the office today for your Virtual Appointment!

Zyto virtual visits help Crossing Back to Health Patients!

So how does Zyto work?

The human body is incredible.  Basic life functions like growing, developing and healing happen on a subconscious level using a network of internal communication systems.  This communication is constantly working to help the body achieve and maintain a state of balance.

To learn more click here for a printed explanation:
The Zyto Scan – How it Works

Zyto BioCommunication System

When the body becomes overwhelmed and cannot balance itself, it will exhibit outward symptoms. In essence this is your body’s way of asking for help. What if you could eavesdrop and discover the care, the nutrition, and the help that your body would react positively to? If you could communicate with your body, what would it say?

The Zyto Biocommunication System provides significant insight into your body. It is an FDA registered Class II medical device.

ZYTO scans are a stimulus-response exchange between the computer and your body. Zyto proprietary technology reads subtle changes in the electrical properties of your skin, changes that you’re not consciously aware of. We call this biocommunication. During biocommunication, Zyto technology will send your body a sequence of computer signals and record your response to each. It is like we’re asking your body questions and recording its answers (data).

The ZYTO system is a screening or scanning device, much like an MRI or a “Lie Detector” testing machine, which measures and records the body’s responses to a variety of inputs or stressors. Information gathered in this way can help you be more proactive about your health and help you and your healthcare provider make better decisions regarding your healthcare. ZYTO scans do not diagnose or recommend treatments, they simply provide information that requires interpretation by a qualified healthcare professional as a component of clinical evaluation, diagnosis and the subsequent development of an appropriate treatment plan.

One application of biocommunication is to uncover which possible interventions your body responds most positively to. These positive responses are called your biological preference. Biological preference can provide powerful insights and help you make better decisions about your health, your nutrition, and which nutritional supplements you take. There are many available options, the key is to discover what will produce the most effective results for your body. Imagine what you could do if you were providing your body what it needs to stay balanced. Does your body know what it needs? Maybe you just need to ask.

At Crossing Back to Health we are highly skilled in the use of the Zyto and have custom programmed thousands of possible test items into our Zyto Library system which allows us to evaluate you in a way that is uniquely specific to our clinic.

Request for a Zyto Hand Cradle

Zyto Handset: Price $285.00

If you would like to order a Zyto Handset we will need you to fill out the following form. When we receive your request we will email and/or call you back to facilitate your purchase!

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Cross Back to Health Today!

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