This is an easy, safe and fun activity to share with your children! Please give it a try and let us know how your air fresheners came out!
You will need:
- Baking Soda, Small glass container(s), Essential oils, Hammer, nail, and scissors
- If you want to add some color:
- Fabric, Colored paper, Scrapbook paper
What We Do:
- Pour Baking soda in each of the glass containers.
- Add about thirty drops of essential oils. (Lavender, orange, lemon, citrus blend, jasmine are good choices)
- Now mix it up.
- Top with paper, fabric or original lid.
- Punch holes with a nail into the paper or metal lid.
- Fabric can be placed over top and cut to desired length.
- You can decorate more if you like.
- Put in different rooms to absorb odors and make them smell good!