Green smoothies are quick and easy to make and only require a blender.
There are so many great nutrients in smoothies that are readily available for quick energy and starting your day off right. Additionally they are so helpful for cleansing the liver, reducing your appetite and craving for sweets the rest of the day.
- Here is my favorite recipe. – Makes enough for 2-3 people (about 36 ounces)
- 1 ½ Cup Almond or Coconut Milk – I like Almond best
- 1 small cucumber with peel on – I use Persian cucumbers
- 2 stalks celery – include the leaves
- 2 cups broccoli
- 2 cups spinach
- 1 small apple (green are best) – removed seeds
- 1 cup frozen blue berries
- ½ cup frozen pineapple
- Optional – ½ of fresh lemon squeezed, 1 inch of fresh ginger, fresh parsley
Make sure that you use organic ingredients whenever possible. I buy pre-cut organic veggies and frozen organic blueberries and pineapple which makes it super quick and easy to actually make green smoothies every day. I like to use some frozen ingredients because the taste is so much better when it is very cold. They look yucky but really taste good. Once you have been drinking green smoothies regularly (and feeling better) your body will crave them.
Start with the liquid first and then gradually add in the ingredients allowing adequate time to fully blend each one before adding in another.
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